I had this code and was working fine, just notices that the ‘event.keyCode’ is depricated as VScode saying
consumer.subscriptions.create("CommentsChannel", { connected() { // Called when the subscription is ready for use on the server }, disconnected() { // Called when the subscription has been terminated by the server }, received(data) { console.log(data.content) $('#comments').append('<strong>' + data.content[1] + ': ' + '</strong>' + data.content[0] + ' ' + data.content[2] + ' <hr class="comments-hr">' ) // Called when there's incoming data on the websocket for this channel } }); var submit_messages; $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() { submit_messages() }) submit_messages = function (){ $('#new_comment').on('keydown', function (event){ if(event.keyCode === 13){ $('#send_button').click() event.target.value = '' event.preventDefault() } }) }
so i chagnged it to
submit_messages = function (){ $('#new_comment').on('keydown', function (event){ if(event.key === 'Enter'){ $('#send_button').trigger( "click" ) event.target.value = '' event.preventDefault() } })
so the problem i face now with the both options above is that the input doesn’t get cleared after i press the button or clear press enter
if use this
and press enter i don’t get the value at all but i do when i click the button
this is the model
def self.post_comment(new_comment,ticket,user) ticket.comment.tap do |post_new_comment| post_new_comment.content << new_comment post_new_comment.username << user post_new_comment.sendtime << Time.now if post_new_comment.save ActionCable.server.broadcast 'comments_channel', content: [new_comment, user, Time.now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")] end end end
the input field
<%= f.text_field :comment, class: "form-control", placeholder: "Write a Comment", id: "comment_field" if @ticket.status%>
and the button
def submit_comment_button content_tag(:button, class: "btn btn-sm btn-primary", id: "send_button") do content_tag(:i, class: "bi bi-arrow-right-square") do end end end
The solution i found was to move
at received(data)
like that
received(data) { console.log(data.content) $('#comments').append('<strong>' + data.content[1] + ': ' + '</strong>' + data.content[0] + ' ' + data.content[2] + ' <hr class="comments-hr">' ) // Called when there's incoming data on the websocket for this channel $('#comment_field').val('') } }); var submit_messages; $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() { submit_messages() }) submit_messages = function (){ $('#new_comment').on('keydown', function (event){ if(event.key === 'Enter'){ $('#send_button').trigger( "click" ) //$('#comment_field').val('') //event.target.value = '' event.preventDefault() } }) }
if someone could explain why i have to make that change and why it was working before i would be glad!