let x=new Error(); x.message="Hello"; Object.keys(x) //["message"]
The above makes absolute sense; message
is a property of x
instance of Error
let y=new Error("Morning"); y.message; //"Morning" Object.keys(y) // [] Object.getPrototypeOf(y); // {name: "Error", message: "", constructor: ƒ, toString: ƒ}
The question is: Where does message exist if neither in the y instance itself nor in the prototype chain?
will only include own and enumerable properties. Now it happens that an Error
object inherits a non-enumerable property message
, so you don’t see it with Object.keys
, but it certainly is there.
You can list also non-enumerable properties with Object.getOwnPropertyNames
let y=new Error("Morning"); console.log(y.message); //"Morning" console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(y)); console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(y));