I am trying to call a function that that has a decorator attached to it. What it does is run every x
seconds which works just fine, however, when I try to log the properties in the function they output undefined
, but in the constructor it displays the proper class.
If I call another function that is in the class, the function gets called, the issue just seems to be when accessing properties.
Here are a few of the ways I have tried to call the method:
export function Repeat(interval: number, delay: number = 0) {
return (target: any, prop: any, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => {
timer(delay * 1000, interval * 1000)
tap(i => descriptor.value.call(target, i)),
tap(i => target[prop].call(target, i)),
tap(i => target[prop].bind(target)(i))
Here is how I am implementing the decorator:
export class MyClass {
constructor(private readonly v: Item) {
console.log(this.v); // outputs: typeof Item
repeat(count: number) {
console.log(this.v); // outputs: undefined
this.testFunc(); // runs the function
console.log('test function');
Here is a stackblitz example
After playing for a bit, I can see that I can do this:
export function Repeat(interval: number, delay = 0) {
return function (target: any, prop: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
descriptor.value = function (this: GameObject, args: any[]) {
const t = timer(delay * 1000, interval * 1000)
.pipe(map<number, boolean>(i => originalMethod.apply(this, [i])))
return descriptor;
Then when I call it in the class the repeater works:
export class MyClass {
constructor(private readonly v: Item) {
repeat(count: number) {
console.log(this.v); // outputs: typeof Item
However, this is not what I want to resort to, I would like the function to be called automatically and not manually.
So, to solve my issue I had to use a decorator at the class level along with at the method level. Then, in the constructor I run the method on the parent class.
First import the reflect-metadata
import 'reflect-metadata';
export function Component() {
return <T extends { new (args: any[]): any }>(target: T): any => {
return class extends target {
private methods: string[] = [];
constructor(args: any[]) {
this.methods = Reflect.ownKeys(target.prototype) as string[];
runRepeater() {
this.methods.forEach((method) => {
const { delay, interval } = Reflect.getMetadata('token', target.prototype, method) || {};
if (!delay || !interval) return;
timer(delay * 1000, interval * 1000)
.pipe(map<number, boolean>((i) => super[method]()))
Here is the repeat function:
export function Repeat(interval: number, delay = 0) {
return function (target: any, prop: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
Reflect.defineMetadata('token', { interval, delay }, target, prop);
Here is how it is implemented in the class:
export class MyClass {
constructor(private readonly v: Item) {
console.log(this.v); // outputs: typeof Item
repeat(count: number) {
console.log(this.v); // outputs: typeof Item
Here is the stackblitz example.