For some reason selectOneMenu is showing
when selecting an option with an empty label.
When first loading the page, it works fine, but if I select the blank option in my list, it displays
<p:selectOneMenu id="eyeColor" editable="true" value="#{model.eyeColor}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel=" " value="#{null}"/>
<f:selectItems value="#{selectionList.getSelectList(SelectListDefinition.SELECT_EYE_COLOR)}" />
any idea what could be causing this?
and how to fix it?
The problem has been resolved by the Primefaces team (actually it seems like the bug has been previously fixed and resurfaced in later versions):
The fix is already available since version 3.5.9 for Primefaces Elite users (a subscription service with a monthly cost), and should be generally available when version 4.0 is released (which will be free and open source):
There is also a small discussion about this on the Primefaces Forum.
Edit: Since October 3 2013, this fix is available free as community release 4.0: Primefaces Blog