I am trying to populate the “From” look up field using custom JavaScript in Dynamics CRM.
I’m new to JavaScript and Dynamics really struggling to do this.
Below is a screenshot of my code and solution.
function PopulateFromLookUpField(executionContext) { var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); var value = new Array(); //create a new object array value[0] = new Object(); value[0].id = ; // set ID to ID value[0].name = "new_name"; //set name to name value[0].entityType = "sender"; //optional formContext.getAttribute("sender").setValue(value); }
I also tried the solution below it doesn’t work.
function PopulateFromLookUpField(executionContext) { var lookUpObject.id = ; lookUpObject.name = "Joe CRM"; lookUpObject.entityType = "sender"; formContext.getAttribute("sender").setValue(value); }
Please advise and help.
I tried and this worked for me. Make sure to pass the correct field schema name, record GUID, record Name and entity Type properly.
var lookUpObject = new Array(); lookUpObject[0] = new Object(); lookUpObject[0].id = "7108f4e7-ac2b-eb11-a814-000d3a378f1b"; lookUpObject[0].name = "Arun Vinoth"; lookUpObject[0].entityType = "systemuser"; formContext.getAttribute("from").setValue(lookUpObject);