I have a React project which I would like to embed my logo as a polygon mask using tsparticles. It works normally if I use the sample code from the official documentation page, however if I try to use the polygon mask option, it seems that it could not detect the SVG format. I don’t know whether this is a browser issue or not.
Below is the original code from codepen by the creator embedded to my React project. I have my own logo which I store locally but for this question, I’m going to use the code from the original author of the code.
import React from "react"; import { Container} from "@material-ui/core"; import Particles from "react-tsparticles"; //import polygonmasklogo from "./polygonmask.svg"; export default function Banner() { return ( <Container > <Particles id="tsparticles" options={{ background: { color: { value: "#fff", }, }, detectRetina: false, fpsLimit: 60, interactivity: { detectsOn: "canvas", events: { onHover: { enable: true, mode: "bubble", }, resize: true, }, modes: { bubble: { distance: 40, duration: 2, opacity: 8, size: 6, speed: 3, }, }, }, particles: { color: { value: "#ff0000", animation: { enable: true, speed: 20, sync: true, }, }, lineLinked: { blink: false, color: "random", consent: false, distance: 30, enable: true, opacity: 0.3, width: 0.5, }, move: { attract: { enable: false, rotate: { x: 600, y: 1200, }, }, bounce: false, direction: "none", enable: true, outMode: "bounce", random: false, speed: 1, straight: false, }, number: { density: { enable: false, area: 2000, }, limit: 0, value: 200, }, opacity: { animation: { enable: true, minimumValue: 0.05, speed: 2, sync: false, }, random: false, value: 1, }, shape: { type: "circle", }, size: { animation: { enable: false, minimumValue: 0.1, speed: 40, sync: false, }, random: true, value: 1, }, }, polygon: { draw: { enable: true, lineColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.2)", lineWidth: 0.3, }, move: { radius: 10, }, inlineArrangement: "equidistant", scale: 0.5, type: "inline", //url: {polygonmasklogo}, url: "https://cdn.matteobruni.it/images/particles/smalldeer.svg", }, }} /> </Container> ); }
The Polygon Mask feature requires pathseg
library to work correctly in some browsers (Chrome removed the SVG 1.1 support in a recent version)
is a client-side library like tsParticles
, so if you are using a framework that uses SSR you need to check the documentation for the client-side imports.
I have a working sample with Next.js
This is the code needed for Next.js
before returning the <Particles />
if (process.browser) { require("pathseg"); }
If you are using React
client-side just import pathseg
like this:
import "pathseg";
This should fix your issue.