I need to access an iframe in playwright that has a name that is automatically generated.
The iframe’s name is always prefixed by “__privateStripeFrame” and then a randomly generated number
How i can access the frame with the page.frame({name: }) ?
From the docs it seems like i can’t use a regular expression!
The frameSelector
doesn’t need be specified by the name.
Try an xpath
with contains
– this works on the W3 sample page:
await page.goto('https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_iframe');
await page.frame("//iframe[contains(@title,'W3s')]");
If you want a more general approach – you also have page.frames()
That will return an array of the frames and you can iterate through and find the one you need.
This works for me:
let myFrames = page.frames();
console.log("#frames: " + myFrames.length)
myFrames.map((f) => console.log(f.name()));
(W3S is not the best demo site as there are lots of nested frames – but this outputs the top level frames that have names)
The output: