I have 2 separate projects which draw a randomized grass tilemap, which are using 2 different methods (personally want to see which is more convenient/efficient). One is using only Canvas, the other using Pixi.js. They both work fine on PC, but when I use cordova
to compile it as an Android app, pixi.js
tileset has a blur
If you look closely, the ‘grass’ in Regular Canvas
is sharp, but it’s blurred in Pixi.js
I’ve tried playing around with the settings with no avail. window.devicePixelRatio
reads 3
on mobile
PIXI.settings.autoDensity = true; PIXI.settings.ANISOTROPIC_LEVEL = 0; //PIXI.settings.SCALE_MODE = PIXI.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST; let app = new PIXI.Application({ width: screenSize.x, height: screenSize.y, antialias: true, autoResize: true, resize: (screenSize.x, screenSize.y), transparent: false, resolution: window.devicePixelRatio, rootRenderTarget: { resolution: window.devicePixelRatio }, backgroundColor: 0x061639, });
After some playing around, I found PIXI.settings.RESOLUTION = window.devicePixelRatio;
must be declared. Everything became sharper now