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PHPMaker 2019 | Dynamic caption based on data in database

In PHPMaker (v2019) i have the following need:

Generate a caption for an column which contains a dynamic part – the year. Currently I’m using the system-date with following code:

$this->COLUMN_IN_DATABASE ->Caption .= "MyColumnName " . (date("Y") + 0)

This works finde but i need change this to an value in the database. There is an column which contains the year and an month like this:


Therefore I need to extract the YYYY and use it in the caption.

Any ideas?



The solution is:

Put the following code in the top of “PageLoad” event:


Then, after that, you can use the results in every column caption of your choice like this: (We assume the result of the above mentioned SQL-result is “2021” as $YEAR and “5” as $MONTHNUM)


Then the caption if the “YEAR2”-column will be: “In two Years it will be the year 2023 and the month number is 5”

Extra: In my case I had in some columns the need to display the full month name based on the month number. So i have added the third line of code in the top section:


And to display the month name the code is like this: (We assume the result of the above mentioned SQL-result is “2021” as $YEAR and “5” as $MONTHNUM)


Then the caption if the “YEAR2”-column will be: “In two Years it will be the year 2023 and the month name will be May”

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