So I have a vue project with a dashboard that contains many tests and i want to pass the test name as a parameter in an axios request when the user clicks on a button and gets redirected on another page.
I already did the first part and passed the name of the test in route as a parameter name and now i’m trying to fetch the corresponding item in the collection.When using $ I get an error that says $route is not defined here’s my code so far
<template> <v-app> <app-navbar /> <v-main> <div class="text-center"> <h3> test {{ $ }}, {{ $route.query.status }},{{ $route.query.tag }} </h3> <h3 v-if="this.loadAPI">{{failreason()}}</h3> </div> <v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="imagesref" :items-per-page="5" class="elevation-1" > <template v-slot:[`item.index`]="{ index }"> {{index+1}} </template> <template v-slot:[`item.status`]="{ index }"> {{imagesresult[index][2]}} </template> <template v-slot:[`item.ref`]="{ index }"> <v-img :src="imagesref[index]" max-width="750" max-height="750" @click="expref[index] = !expref[index]"/> <v-overlay :value="expref[index]"><v-img :src="imagesref[index]" max-width="1300" max-height="900" @click="expref[index] = !expref[index]"/> </v-overlay> </template> <template v-slot:[`item.test`]="{ index }"> <v-img :src="imagestest[index]" max-width="750" max-height="750" @click="exptest[index] = !exptest[index]"/> <v-overlay :value="exptest[index]"><v-img :src="imagestest[index]" max-width="1300" max-height="900" @click="exptest[index] = !exptest[index]"/> </v-overlay> </template> <template v-slot:[`item.res`]="{ index }"> <v-img :src="imagesresult[index][0]" max-width="750" max-height="750" @click="expres[index] = !expres[index]"/> <v-overlay :value="expres[index]"><v-img :src="imagesresult[index][0]" max-width="1300" max-height="900" @click="expres[index] = !expres[index]"/> </v-overlay> </template> <template #[`item.mis`]="{ index }"> {{Math.round(imagesresult[index][1]*100)/100}} </template> <template #[`item.Scrubber`]="{ index }"> <nuxt-link :to="{ path: 'scrubber', query: { imageref: imagesref[index],imagetest:imagestest[index],imageres:imagesresult[index] }}">Show Scrubber</nuxt-link> </template> </v-data-table> </v-main> </v-app> </template> <script> import appNavbar from "../../../components/appNavbar.vue" import axios from "axios" export default { components: { appNavbar }, name: "App", data() { return { loadAPI:false, dialog:false, expref:[], exptest:[], expres:[], items: [], imagesref: [], imagestest: [], imagesresult: [], headers: [ { text: 'index',value: 'index',sortable:false}, { text: 'Status',value: 'status',sortable:false}, { text: 'Imagesref', value: 'ref',sortable:false }, { text: 'Imagestest', value: 'test',sortable:false }, { text: 'Imagesresult', value: 'res',sortable:false }, { text: 'Mismatch percent', value: 'mis',sortable:false }, { text: 'Scrubber', value: 'Scrubber',sortable:false }, ] } }, async created() { try { const res = await axios({ method: 'post', url: 'http://localhost:3002/backend/gettestbyname', data: {name: $} }) this.items =; this.imagesref =[0].refimages; this.imagestest =[0].testimages; this.imagesresult =[0].testresults; for (let i of this.imagesref){ this.expref.push(false); this.exptest.push(false); this.expres.push(false); } this.loadAPI=true; } catch (error) { console.log(error); } }, methods:{ failreason() { if (this.items[0].status=="failed"){ let index=0; for (let i of this.items[0].testresults) { console.log(i); index++; if (i[2]=="failed") { return 'Visual test failed at step number '+index; } } return 'Test set missing screenshots'; } } } } </script> <style scoped> </style>
Globally injected properties in Vue are available from the Vue context, not the global javascript context (like window
So, in the <script>
tag, you have to use this.$router
to access it.
In your created
// replace data: {name: $} //by data: {name: this.$}
From the vue-router
By calling app.use(router), we get access to it as
as well as the current route asthis.$route
inside of any component: