I want to query object from Parse DB through javascript, that has only 1 of some specific relation object. How can this criteria be achieved? So I tried something like this, the equalTo() acts as a “contains” and it’s not what I’m looking for, my code so far, which doesn’t work:
var query = new Parse.Query("Item");
query.equalTo("relatedItems", someItem);
query.lessThan("relatedItems", 2);
It seems Parse do not provide a easy way to do this.
Without any other fields, if you know all the items then you could do the following:
var innerQuery = new Parse.Query('Item');
innerQuery.containedIn('relatedItems', [all items except someItem]);
var query = new Parse.Query('Item');
query.equalTo('relatedItems', someItem);
query.doesNotMatchKeyInQuery('objectId', 'objectId', innerQuery);
Otherwise, you might need to get all records and do filtering.
Because of the data type relation
, there are no ways to include the relation content into the results, you need to do another query to get the relation content.
The workaround might add a itemCount column
and keep it updated whenever the item relation is modified and do:
query.equalTo('relatedItems', someItem);
query.equalTo('itemCount', 1);