I am trying to consume my api through code I am getting this error
object` (“[object Response]”) cannot be serialized as JSON
But when I call or use this api through browser I am getting response.
here is my code https://codesandbox.io/s/naughty-platform-1xket?file=/pages/index.js
I am consuming my api like this
const cc = await fetch("https://1xket.sse.codesandbox.io/api/basecss/");
console.log(cc, "llll");
API design
export default async (req, res) => {
const stylesheet = await (
await fetch("https://www.****.com/asset/web/css/***-base.css", {})
console.log(stylesheet, "server");
I am getting this console value on server. but when I am calling this api through code I am getting this error
object` ("[object Response]") cannot be serialized as JSON. Please only return JSON serializable data types
You’re getting that error because you’re returning a response object (cc
) in your getStaticProps
which is not serializable. getStaticProps
and getServerSideProps
only allow serializable content to be returned from them.
To fix the issue you’ll first need to convert the response data to text before you can return it. You’ll also need to change your props to match the ones expected in the IndexPage
// pages/index.js
export async function getStaticProps() {
const res = await fetch("https://1xket.sse.codesandbox.io/api/basecss/");
const stylesheet = await res.text(); // Converts response data to text
return {
props: {
stylesheet // Changes prop name from `cc` to `stylesheet` to match component