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My replace function works with array but not with HTML collection which is also an array. Why?

I am writting a function to replace the position of some HTML elements in the page. Should be simple and it goes like this :

let square = document.getElementById("SquareCharts").children;
let testArray = ["A", "b", "c", "d", "E", "f", "g"];

function Replace(arr, oldPosition, newPosition)
    let store;

    store = arr[newPosition];
    arr[newPosition] = arr[oldPosition];
    arr[oldPosition] = store;

    return console.log(arr);

replace(testArray, 4, 0);
replace(square, 4, 0);

It works with testArray but it doesn’t seem to have any effect on the HTML elements order. Why and what can I do to change the original DOM?



You need to clear the element’s current children then append them again.

let square = document.getElementById("SquareCharts").children;
let testArray = ["A", "b", "c", "d", "E", "f", "g"];

function Replace(arr, oldPosition, newPosition)
    let store;

    store = arr[newPosition];
    arr[newPosition] = arr[oldPosition];
    arr[oldPosition] = store;

    // clear children
    square.innerHTML = '';
    for(const element of arr) {

    return console.log(arr);

replace(testArray, 4, 0);
replace(square, 4, 0);

document.getElementById("SquareCharts").children returns a HTMLCollection. Although it is iterable using a for-loop, it is not an Array.

You can also do:

let square = Array.from(document.getElementById("SquareCharts").children);

so that you can get more functionality with Array‘s built-in methods.
