When I am trying to update just “title”, it is working fine, but if I am trying to update the nested object in the array, it is not working.
Data: Data
const restaurant = await Restaurant.update( {_id: '60e6828e4992a2979fa0ba3e'}, {$set: {title: "Hello}}, );
Not working:
const restaurant = await Restaurant.update( {_id: '60e6828e4992a2979fa0ba3e', 'grades.grade': 85}, {$set: {'grades.$.grade': 0}}, );
Demo – https://mongoplayground.net/p/caFBz-lx8dQ
Use $[]
The filtered positional operator $[] identifies the array elements that match the arrayFilters conditions for an update operation
db.collection.update( {}, { $set: { "grades.$[elem].grade": 0 }}, { arrayFilters: [ {"elem.grade": 85 } ]} )