I have classroom document which contain ‘modules’, the whole document looks like this:
{ "_id": "628a7ea21e2a666d7872efbf", "name": "Test Class", "owner": "60763491b98b9e186ef33137", "schoolId": "607dff27c712219af1e65d83", "description": "This is a test class.", "roster": [], "modules": [ { "name": "Test Module 1", "id": "62a7082d0bf84c43fdfe95ff", "isPublished": false }, { "name": "Test Module 2", "id": "62a72d6378ce044dca32e1a2", "isPublished": false } ] }
I also have assignment documents as such:
{ "classroomId": "628a7ea21e2a666d7872efbf", "moduleId": "62a7082d0bf84c43fdfe95ff", "name": "Assignment 1", "description": "Test description", "created": 1655120822055, "reading": null, "questions": [], "isPublished": true, "_id": "62a723b6683ffc4b11940c7b" }
My question is how could do aggregation such that if I want to do a lookup on the assignments for the classroom, I am able to group the assignment documents by moduleId and then add them as a field to the modules array. The final document would like this:
{ "_id": "628a7ea21e2a666d7872efbf", "name": "Test Class", "owner": "60763491b98b9e186ef33137", "schoolId": "607dff27c712219af1e65d83", "description": "This is a test class.", "roster": [], "modules": [ { "name": "Test Module 1", "id": "62a7082d0bf84c43fdfe95ff", "isPublished": false, "assignments": [ { "_id": "62a708ab0bf84c43fdfe9600", "classroomId": "628a7ea21e2a666d7872efbf", "moduleId": "62a7082d0bf84c43fdfe95ff", "name": "Assignment 1", "description": "Test description", "created": 1655113899629, "due": null, "settings": null, "reading": null, "questions": [], "isPublished": true }, { "_id": "62a723b6683ffc4b11940c7b", "classroomId": "628a7ea21e2a666d7872efbf", "moduleId": "62a7082d0bf84c43fdfe95ff", "name": "Assignment 1", "description": "Test description", "created": 1655120822055, "due": null, "settings": null, "reading": null, "questions": [], "isPublished": true } ] }, { "name": "Test Module 2", "id": "62a72d6378ce044dca32e1a2", "isPublished": false, "assignments": [ ] } ] }
Right now I just have the base lookup and obviously this just gets me a separate assignments field, without groups.
lookup = [ { $lookup: { from: "assignments", localField: "modules.id", foreignField: "moduleId", as: "assignments" } } ];
– Setmodules
– Iterate themodules
array and returns a new array.2.1.1.
– Merge current iteratemodule
document with the document withassignments
array from the result
– Filter theassignments
array by matchingmoduleId
– Removeassignments
db.classroom.aggregate([ { $lookup: { from: "assignments", localField: "modules.id", foreignField: "moduleId", as: "assignments" } }, { $set: { modules: { $map: { input: "$modules", as: "module", in: { $mergeObjects: [ "$$module", { "assignments": { $filter: { input: "$assignments", as: "asgn", cond: { $eq: [ "$$module.id", "$$asgn.moduleId" ] } } } } ] } } } } }, { $unset: "assignments" } ])