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Module blocked because of a disallowed MIME type (“text/html”)

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I am getting module block error when ever I try to import firebase module

My code is as followed :


My file architecture is :




By using this line:


You are requesting the browser to fetch the Firebase App library module from the URL Because the .js extension is missing, the hosting server is trying to send back the page with a MIME type of text/html (instead of app.js with a MIME type of text/javascript). Additionally, because this app.html probably doesn’t exist, it is also sending back a 404.html page.

The modern Firebase libraries are intended to be put through a module bundler like Webpack or Rollup before being served to a browser as covered in the Firebase Getting Started documentation.

But that document also highlights the following point:

Do you use ESM and want to use browser modules? Replace all your import lines to use the following pattern:

import { } from '' (where SERVICE is an SDK name such as firebase-firestore).

Using browser modules is a quick way to get started, but we recommend using a module bundler for production.

So to correct your imports, you need to use:


Note: To save future headaches, I recommend learning and setting up your module bundler now.
