When non-printable char is pressed, it’s replaced with let’s say for CTRL=17 with “[CTRL]”. Here is code an example
$('#textbox1').keyup(function (event) {
if (8 != event.keyCode) {
} else {
the problem is when user presses backspace the second input must reflect the content of the first one, so “[CTRL]” must be deleted at once like any other chars.
You could make use of the keyCode
and/or in combination with charCode
(if required). Basic idea would be:
- Create a map of all required key codes in an array/object
- Handle event for say
and listen for keycode - Look for the keycode in your map and if found show it
- prevent the default (to prevent e.g. say backspace browsing back)
- If not found in map, let the character go thru as usual.
A very basic example:
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/abhitalks/L7nhZ/
Relevant js:
keyMap = {8:"[Backspace]",9:"[Tab]",13:"[Enter]",16:"[Shift]",17:"[Ctrl]",18:"[Alt]",19:"[Break]",20:"[Caps Lock]",27:"[Esc]",32:"[Space]",33:"[Page Up]",34:"[Page Down]",35:"[End]",36:"[Home]",37:"[Left]",38:"[Up]",39:"[Right]",40:"[Down]",45:"[Insert]",46:"[Delete]"};
$("#txt").on("keydown", function(e) {
// check if the keycode is in the map that what you want
if (typeof(keyMap[e.keyCode]) !== 'undefined') {
// if found add the corresponding description to the existing text
this.value += keyMap[e.keyCode];
// prevent the default behavior
// if not found, let the entered character go thru as is
Edit: (as per the comments)
The concept remains the same, just copying the value to the second input:
Demo 2: http://jsfiddle.net/abhitalks/L7nhZ/3/
$("#txt1").on("keyup", function(e) {
if (typeof(keyMap[e.keyCode]) !== 'undefined') {
this.value += keyMap[e.keyCode];
$("#txt2").val(this.value); // copy the value to the second input
Regarding deletion of the description, I could not get it done by caching the last inserted descrition from the map. Somehow, I kept struggling with the regex with a variable. Anyway, a simpler solution is to just add another event handler for keyup with hard-coded map.
Thanks to @serakfalcon for (that simple solution), which we are using here:
$('#txt1').keydown(function(event) {
if(8 == event.keyCode) {
var el = $(this);
el.val(el.val().replace(/[(Tab|Enter|Shift|Ctrl|Alt|Break|Caps Lock|Esc|Space|Page (Up|Down)|End|Home|Left|Up|Right|Down|Insert|Delete)]$/,' '));