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Make jQuery code run on page-change and load

I have a jquery code that inserts and prepends breadcrumbs on certain pages. I’m injecting this code through a third party tool where I can write JS. I only want these breadcrumbs for certain pages.

This was my original code that worked fine on desktop:

var style = document.createElement("style"); = "Imdone";
style.textContent = ".breadcrumbs-mai{color:#555; font-size:14px; width:100%; padding:10px 5px;font-weight:200;}";

require(['jquery'], function($){
  $(document).ready(function() {
    var bread = $('<div class="breadcrumbs-mai"><a href="">Hjem </a>/ <a href="">Test </a>/ <a href="">Test2 </a>/ <a href="">test 3</a>/ <a style="color:#000; font-weight:600;" href="">Test 4 </a></div>').prependTo('#page-title-heading');

On mobile it didn’t load after changing category by clicking the li items. So I added $('body').change(runbread); to make it appear when switching category(page does not refresh on mobile when clicking a category, only does so on desktop).

But now, it loads twice for mobile and three times on desktop.

Here is my JS:

var style = document.createElement("style"); = "Imdone";
style.textContent = ".breadcrumbs-mai{color:#555; font-size:14px; width:100%; padding:10px 5px;font-weight:200;}";

require(['jquery'], function($){
  $(document).ready(function() {
  function runbread(){
    var bread = $('<div class="breadcrumbs-mai"><a href="">Test </a>/ <a href="">Test 2 </a>/ <a href="">Test 3 </a>/ <a href="">Test 4</a>/ <a style="color:#000; font-weight:600;" href="">Test 5</a></div>').prependTo('#page-title-heading');

How can I make sure it doesn’t load several times?

So, on mobile it should load on page-load AND re-load again when a li item is clicked(no page-reload, only content change). On desktop only on page-load.

Appreciate any help!



You can add $('#page-title-heading .breadcrumbs-mai').remove() to the start of your runbread function.

This will remove any other .breadcrumbs that might have been added before.
