I have an array of object as follows. The data is based on created_date
for e.g. (“2021-09-12”)
As you can see, i have got last 5 days of data. i.e. 12th Sep, 11th Sep, 10th Sep, 9th Sep and 8th Sep. The response does not have any data for 11th sept and 8th Sept.
const buildData = [
"project_id": "1H16SET9829",
"created_date": "2021-09-12",
"status": "P"
"project_id": "1J01SET10974",
"created_date": "2021-09-10",
"status": "F"
"project_id": "1J01SET10971",
"created_date": "2021-09-09",
"status": "P"
"project_id": "1J01SET10969",
"created_date": "2021-09-09",
"status": "F"
Based on this above information, i have to display data in UI using react functional component as follows
Sep 12, 2021 | Sep 11,2021 | Sep 10, 2021 | Sep 09, 2021 | Sep 08, 2021
1H16SET9829 (P) | | 1J01SET10974 (F) | 1J01SET10971 (P) |
| | | 1J01SET10971 (F) |
Can someone please let me know how to achieve this. I tried the following but it doesnot display the correct data. I am not getting how to display correct project_id
below its date. Also some dates have 2 project_ids in it. for e.g. Sep 09,2021 has 2 project_ids and both need to be displayed one below the other and then proceed with next date.
const renderProjects = (props) => {
const items = buildData.map( (t, idx) => (
<div>{ t.created_date }</div>
return (
<div className="project-list">
{ items }
You can do something like this (see inline comments):
const buildData = [
project_id: '1H16SET9829',
created_date: '2021-09-12',
status: 'P',
project_id: '1J01SET10974',
created_date: '2021-09-10',
status: 'F',
project_id: '1J01SET10971',
created_date: '2021-09-09',
status: 'P',
project_id: '1J01SET10969',
created_date: '2021-09-09',
status: 'F',
export const RenderProjects = (props) => {
// convert the buildData into a map from date -> list of `{project_id, status}`s
const buildDataByDate = buildData.reduce((map, project) => {
const projectInfo = {
project_id: project.project_id,
status: project.status,
if (!map[project.created_date]) {
map[project.created_date] = [projectInfo];
} else {
return map;
}, {});
// find the first and last dates
const minDate = Object.keys(buildDataByDate).sort()[0];
const maxDate = Object.keys(buildDataByDate).sort().reverse()[0];
// find how many days are between them
const daysBetween =
(Date.parse(maxDate) - Date.parse(minDate)) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// add in the missing dates
[Array(daysBetween).keys()].forEach((increment) => {
const dateToAdd = new Date(
Date.parse(minDate) + increment * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
.substring(0, 10);
if (!buildDataByDate[dateToAdd]) {
buildDataByDate[dateToAdd] = [];
// render something for each entry in that map
const items = Object.entries(buildDataByDate)
.sort((a, b) => {
return Date.parse(b[0]) - Date.parse(a[0]);
.map(([date, projects]) => {
return (
<React.Fragment key={date}>
{projects.map((project) => {
return (
>{`${project.project_id} (${project.status})`}</div>
return <div className='project-list'>{items}</div>;