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Load inline JS after page load

I want to load an inline JavaScript after the page has fully loaded. The reason is, that the scripts loads an external JS file which I don’t want to block the rendering of the page.

This is the whole code:

<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
var _tsid = 'XXXX';
_tsConfig = {
  'yOffset': '0', // offset from page bottom
  'variant': 'custom_reviews', // default, reviews, custom, custom_reviews
  'customElementId': 'MyCustomTrustbadge', // required for variants custom and custom_reviews
  'trustcardDirection': 'bottomLeft', // for custom variants: topRight, topLeft, bottomRight, bottomLeft
  'customBadgeWidth': '', // for custom variants: 40 - 90 (in pixels)
  'customBadgeHeight': '', // for custom variants: 40 - 90 (in pixels)
  'disableResponsive': 'false', // deactivate responsive behaviour
  'disableTrustbadge': 'false' // deactivate trustbadge
var _ts = document.createElement('script');
_ts.type = 'text/javascript';
_ts.charset = 'utf-8';
_ts.async = true;
_ts.src = '//' + _tsid + '.js';
var __ts = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
__ts.parentNode.insertBefore(_ts, __ts);

I know that I could maybe use $(document).ready. But I don’t know how.



The reason is, that the scripts loads an external JS file which I don’t want to block the rendering of the page.

Adding the defer attribute to the script element will defer execution until the DOM is ready while allowing the script to be downloaded in parallel.

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