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Limit number keys which can be selected an object

I have an interface (shown below). Currently all properties are required in it. How can I make it so that only one property is required. Basically the properties are mutually exclusive so for example ff a ‘top’ property is selected then no other property can be selected.

interface PaddingOptions {
    'top': number;
    'bottom': number;
    'left': number;
    'right': number;
const foo: PaddingOptions = {top: 20, bottom: 20} //this should give error as both top and bottom can not be used
const foo: PaddingOptions = {right: 20}; // ok as only one property is selected



Well, may be it’s me, but @Zain Zafar’s answer does not fit, since XOR<,> like he defined is constrained to only two type arguments.
Extending that XOR<,> type to more type arguments would be quite verbose and not even flexible.

Following the same article where the XOR<,> type came, though, there was an alternative which looks a bit more flexible, the OneOf<,>.
OneOf<,> defines the same solution as XOR<,> but expecting only one type definition with no recursive typing (like XOR<,> needs).
To fit the problem by using XOR<,> we would need something like so

type PaddingOptions = XOR<{right: number}, 
                          XOR<{left: number}, 
                              XOR<{bottom: number}, {top: number}>>>;

Which becomes really unpleasant to read.

OneOf<,> becomes quite trickier to read, but easy to implement

type OneOf<T, K extends keyof T> = {
    [Key in K]: Pick<Required<T>, Key> & { 
        [InnerKey in Exclude<K, Key>]?: never; 

Well, I just wiped out the Omit<T, K> & ... which in our case will result to never & ... (redundant), because we are passing all keys from T.

So, implemeting OneOf<,> for the question case is as easy as

type PaddingOptionKeys = 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left';
type PaddingOptions = OneOf<{ [Key in PaddingOptionKeys]: number; }, PaddingOptionKeys>;

const option: PaddingOptions = { left: 9 }; // OK
const option2: PaddingOptions = { right: 9 }; // Still OK
const option3: PaddingOptions = { right: 9, left: 0 }; // Throws error

Hence, by using OneOf<,> we constraint multiple keys in a comfortably way, easy to read and flexible.

Hope it helps.

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