I am trying to parse a json file and get some errors. It is in a directory under my js file with the fs in a folder called “recipes” with 3 json files all representing a seperate object. Here’s the json of all 3 that are similar:
{ "ingredients": [ {"name":"Crab","unit":"Tsp","amount":3}, {"name":"Peas","unit":"Cup","amount":12}, {"name":"Basil","unit":"Tbsp","amount":10}, {"name":"Cumin","unit":"Liter","amount":3}, {"name":"Salt","unit":"Tbsp","amount":1} ], "name":"Boiled Crab with Peas", "preptime":"13", "cooktime":"78", "description":"A boring recipe using Crab and Peas", "id":"b0e347d5-9428-48e5-a277-2ec114fc05a0" }
My code is this: It gives an unexpected JSON position 1
fs.readdirSync("./recipes").forEach(file =>{ //let rec = JSON.parse(file); console.log(JSON.parse(file)) })
could return name string, binary, or dirent object. Neither is the file contents. The custom readFiles
is what you need.
const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const ROOT_DIR = './contents' const readFiles = (dir, cb) => { try { fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach(file =>{ fs.readFile(path.join(dir, file), 'utf-8', cb) }) } catch (e) { console.log(`Failed to open the directory ${e.path} `) } } readFiles(ROOT_DIR, (err, data) => { if (err) { console.log(`Failed to read file: ${err.path}`) } console.log(JSON.parse(data)) })