I am having problems with jqueries “click” event handler, its working only once, and then it stops, please I need help fixing it.
What I did is, I use an image as a button, for my Web app but, through jquery, but it only runs once.
Here is the code:
$( document ).ready(function refresh() { $(".menu_button").click(() => { $("nav").addClass("open-menu"); }); }); $( document ).ready(function() { $(".cancel_menu").click(() => { $("nav").removeClass("open-menu").css("transform", "translatex(100%)").css("transition-duration", "2s") }); });
Please tell me if you need more info, Thanks.
The problem I don’t think is with the jquery. Your cancel menu moves the menu all the way to the right, but you never bring it back.
I reset the transform to none on the click of the menu button and it works.
Below is the relevant line in the menu_button click event handler
$("nav").addClass("open-menu").css("transform", "none");
$( document ).ready(function refresh() { $(".menu_button").click(() => { $("nav").addClass("open-menu").css("transform", "none"); }); }); $( document ).ready(function() { $(".cancel_menu").click(() => { $("nav").removeClass("open-menu").css("transform", "translatex(100%)").css("transition-duration", "2s") }); });
.open-menu{ background:red; }
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <button class="menu_button">OPEN</button> <button class="cancel_menu">CANCEL</button> <nav>NAV</nav>