I have an off canvas navigation menu (classname that is enabled via hover-over using jQuery on my WordPress site. It is, as it should be, not visible on page load.
For the mobile version, I want the same nav menu to be activated by clicking on a menu icon (that I’ve given two classes, in this order: mobile-nav-toggle show-nav-mobile). The toggle method seems to only work for a vertical toggle. My solution to replicating the same animation on click rather than hover, is by using the toggleClass method on the icon to toggle between a classname that opens the menu nav (show-nav-mobile) and closes it (hide-nav-mobile) Using the below code:
jQuery(".offcanvasmainnav").animate({left:'0px' }, 250);
jQuery(".mobile-nav-toggle").toggleClass("show-nav-mobile hide-nav-mobile");
jQuery(".offcanvasmainnav").animate({left:'-640px' }, 250);
That doesn’t seem to do the job though. The jQuery opens the offcanvasmain div just fine, but doesn’t close it again.
What is wrong with my approach?
I assume your element initially looks somewhat like this:
<nav class="mobile-nav-toggle hide-nav-mobile"></nav>
This means that
a) Both these click handlers will always run when clicking, no matter if the element still has the class hide-nav-mobile
jQuery(".mobile-nav-toggle").toggleClass("show-nav-mobile hide-nav-mobile");
jQuery(".offcanvasmainnav").animate({left:'-640px' }, 250);
jQuery finds the element at the moment you define the click handler; it doesn’t recheck if the element still has this class when clicking later.
b) This never attaches a click handler:
jQuery(".offcanvasmainnav").animate({left:'0px' }, 250);
because at the time of calling jQuery(".show-nav-mobile")
it cannot find any element with that class.
To fix it, do this all in a single click handler:
jQuery(".mobile-nav-toggle").on('click', function(){
const that = jQuery(this);
that.toggleClass("show-nav-mobile hide-nav-mobile");
jQuery(".offcanvasmainnav").animate({left: that.hasClass('show-nav-mobile') ? '0px' : '-640px' }, 250);