I have simple jekyll blog where I would love to add comments.app widget.
Here is the code which I use to add the widget:
<h3>Comments:</h3> <script async src="https://comments.app/js/widget.js?3" data-comments-app-website="{{ site.comments.commentsapp-id }}" data-limit="{{ site.comments.limit }}" data-color="39C4E8" data-dark="1"> </script> <noscript> Comments not available if Javascript is blocked. This is the only function of this website which needs Javascript. </noscript>
the site.comments.commentsapp-id is stored in my _config.yml
and it is placed correctly in rendered result.
But the widget does not show on page. What did I do wrong ?
Update: In inspect element option I discovered this:
<iframe id="comments-app-Kh5zcvkB-1" src="https://comments.app/embed/view?website=my-id&page_url=%page/title%2F&origin=https://my-site.com&page_title=y-tittle&limit=5&color=39C4E8&dark=1" scrolling="no" style="overflow: hidden; border: medium none;" width="100%" height="0" frameborder="0"> <head></head><body>Page url invalid</body> </iframe>
Finally solved this problem. It was caused by relative canonical URL in head of document.
So I replaced this:
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ page.url }}">
with this:
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ absolute_url }}">
Now it works fine.