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Javascript unable to read non tags

Small problem, with my Javascript code the program is suppose to read with getElementById, but I cannot get this to work with my main and <p> tags the program will only read with an input tag (I want to program to read the text on the website).

The program will only say “Undefined” whenever I press the button. Does anyone know the idea for this issue.

Area in code where Text-To-Speech won’t work

<main id="text"> This program API is not working </main>
<p id="text"> This is also not read </p>

The Supporting button

<button type="button" onclick="SoeechModule()" class="btn btn-info" "> Text To Speech </button>

The Javascript which works (Other than the aforementioned issue)

function SpeechModule(var1)
   const TxtToSpeech = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
    let voices = speechSynthesis.getVoices();
    let search = document.getElementById("data").innerHTML;

    TxtToSpeech.text = search;
    TxtToSpeech.volume = 2;
    TxtToSpeech.rate = 0.5;
    TxtToSpeech.pitch = 2;
    TxtToSpeech.voice = voices[4];




You need to use innerText for each element. Also you are using id="text" multiple times, id is unique and you can fetch only the first item with it if you assign same id to multiple elements. Run the updates code snippet:

function TextToSpeech() {
  const speech = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
  let voices = speechSynthesis.getVoices();
  //let convert = document.getElementById("text").value;
  speech.text = document.getElementById("text1").innerText;
  speech.text = document.getElementById("text2").innerText;
<main id="text1"> This program API is not working
<p id="text2"> This is also not read

<button type="button" onclick="TextToSpeech()" class="btn btn-info" "> Text To Speech </button>
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