I have to create a UI where the user can click buttons to move a DIV (the gray box) in preset increments by clicking the 4 buttons. Further, i need to detect when they have moved it completely “inside” the other DIV (dotted red line).
Moving the div seems straightforward enough, but I am confused as to the best way to detect if the gray box is fully inside the dotted box.
I can do this ad HTML or as an SVG, but all my research has shown conflicting results and although detecting an intersection seems simple, I have found nothing on detecting being fully contained in the bounds of a different rect.
Suggestions on an approach appreciated.
You need to use the Intersection Observer API
const options = { root: document.querySelector('CONTAINER SELECTOR'), rootMargin: '0px', threshold: 1.0 } const targetToWatch = document.querySelector('INSIDE ITEM SELECTOR'); let callback = (entries, observer) => { entries.forEach(entry => { // Each entry describes an intersection change for one observed // target element: // entry.boundingClientRect // entry.intersectionRatio // entry.intersectionRect // entry.isIntersecting // entry.rootBounds // entry.target // entry.time }); }; const observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, options); observer.observe(targetToWatch);
You need then to check various entry.
parameters to know if the element is inside.