Hey I want to merge those two arrays and use it as one array.
Assigning variables:
var worldData = []; var europeData = []; var allData = [];
Code to fetch data from Data Source 1:
fetch('https://disease.sh/v3/covid-19/all') .then((res) => res.json()) .then((data_world) => getWorldData(data_world));
First function:
const getAllData = (data_world) => { worldData = [ data_world.todayCases, data_world.todayRecovered, data_world.todayDeath ]; return worldData; };
Code to fetch data from Data Source 2:
fetch('https://disease.sh/v3/covid-19/continents/Europe?strict=true') .then((res) => res.json()) .then((data_eu) => getEuropeData(data_eu));
Second function:
const getEuropeData = (data_eu) => { europeData = [ data_eu.todayCases, data_eu.todayRecovered, data_eu.todayDeath ]; return europeData; };
Merging arrays (didn’t work):
allData = [...worldData, ...europeData] allData = worldData.concat(europeData)
I can’t put arrays outside these functions because i’m fetching data from two different sources and I want to store all data inside one array.
Found the answer but forgot to post there.
My solution:
let arr = []; fetch('https://disease.sh/v3/covid-19/all') .then((res) => res.json()) .then((data) => { arr.push( Object.values(data)[2], Object.values(data)[6] ); return arr; });