I have this project in which I create a link with multiple arrays that are joined with & signs. It works perfectly, but when I get more than 3 arrays, it doesn’t. When I skip a couple of questions I get a & sign at the beginning of the string and when I only choose the first it adds one to the end which is bad. Also if I choose the first and the last array and skip the rest there a multiple & added between while I always just want 1.
I use this to join the arrays:
* Returns the parameters for the URL.
* @returns {string}
getLink() {
this.tmp = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.url.length; i++) {
// Check if question is from the same quiz part and adds a , between chosen answers and add the right prefix at the beginning
if (this.url[i].length > 0) {
this.tmp.push("" + Quiz[i].prefix + this.url[i].join(","))
// if the link is empty remove everything that was added (& an ,)
if (this.url[i].length === 0) {
/// If answers are from different quiz parts add a & between answers
return "" + this.tmp.join("&");
Quiz and this.url are the arrays and .prefix and stuff are keys of the arrays.
This is what I use to check the link string to remove the unwanted & signs:
LinkChecker(link) {
let cleanLink = link.split('&&').join('&');
if (cleanLink[0] === '&') {
cleanLink = cleanLink.slice(1);
if (cleanLink[cleanLink.length - 1] === '&') {
cleanLink = cleanLink.slice(0, -1);
return cleanLink;
And this is something I tried now:
let i = 0;
let LastLink = '';
let FirstLink = LastLink;
let link = this.LinkChecker(this.getLink());
if (link[link.length -1] === '&'){
LastLink = link.slice(0, -1);
while(i == '&'){
if(LastLink[i] === '&'){
FirstLink = link.slice(-1, 0);
But it also doesn’t really work.
It’s supposed to look like:
It is better to avoid than to fix (the double &
Remove the whole block that does push("")
. This push is adding an entry to your array that you really don’t want to have at all, so just don’t push it.