const exampleFunq = function (exampleParameter, exampleParameterTwo) { }
Now when i invoke it, let’s say i want to put 2 values into 2nd parameter;
exampleFunq(1, 2 3)
i know this code is wrong but is it a possible concept?
JavaScript doesn’t have tuples as language concept, but you can always pass an array or an object:
function example (arg1, arg2) { console.log(arg1, arg2[0], arg2[1]) } example(123, [456, 789])
function example (arg1, arg2) { console.log(arg1, arg2.first, arg2.second) } example(123, { first: 456, second: 789 })
Using destructuring, you can make this seamless, if so desired:
function example (arg1, [arg2A, arg2B]) { console.log(arg1, arg2A, arg2B) } example(123, [456, 789])
function example (arg1, { first, second }) { console.log(arg1, first, second) } example(123, { first: 456, second: 789 })