I’m trying to add a bootstrap card inside a div called [itemscontainer] using javascript
by document.getElementById("itemscontainer").innerHTML
so i want the cards to be inserted inside the itemscontainer
only one time like this :-
but the problem is the items cards keeps reapet them salves more than one time like:-
what i want is to clear the itemscontainer
first before adding the cards and this is what i have tried so that the items will be only one cards for each item
// clear function
function clear(){
document.getElementById("ssst").innerHTML = ""
// listener append all items to the inventory
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
let data = event.data
if(data.action == 'insertItem') {
let name = data.items.name
let count = data.items.count
let icon = data.items.icon
if(document.getElementById("ssst").innerHTML == ""){
document.getElementById("ssst").innerHTML +=
"<div class='card holder'>"+
'<div class="card-body">'+
'<img src="icons\'+icon+'" style="position:absolute;left:15%;width:40px; height:36px;" alt="">'+
'<h4 id="counter">'+count+'</h4>'+
'<span class="itemname">'+name+'</span>'+
The real solution is to figure out why you are getting the items more than once. With the information you provided that is impossible for me to answer. So the only thing we can recommend is how to prevent items from being added more than once.
If your messaging system returns duplicates you can determine if you have seen it. If you do, replace it. Otherwise add it.
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
const data = event.data;
if (data.action == 'insertItem') {
let name = data.items.name
let count = data.items.count
let icon = data.items.icon
const html = `
<div class='card holder' data-name="${name}">
<div class="card-body">
<img src="icons/${icon}" style="position:absolute;left:15%;width:40px; height:36px;" alt="${icon}">
<h4 id="counter">${count}</h4>
<span class="itemname">${name}</span>
const elemExists = document.querySelector(`[data-name="${name}"]`);
if (elemExists) {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
} else {
document.getElementById("ssst").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", html);
action: 'insertItem',
items: {
name: 'foo',
count: 1,
icon: 'foo'
action: 'insertItem',
items: {
name: 'bar',
count: 40,
icon: 'barrrrrr'
action: 'insertItem',
items: {
name: 'foo',
count: 1000,
icon: 'foo'
<div id="ssst"></div>