I’ve recently got myself into making a clicker game in javascript, but as expected, I ran into a little problem.
When I have for example 5 coins per second, it goes a lot faster, like i have 20 or 30 coins per second. There isn’t a specific pattern to this, eg that it goes 2x faster or 3x faster, pretty random.
These are parts of code involving coins, any feedback would be appreciated
var coinsPS = 0; .................. setInterval(function renderCoinsPS() { document.getElementById("coinsPS").innerHTML = "Coins per second: " + coinsPS; }) .................... function getCoinsPS() { if (coins >= 50) { coinsPS += 10; coins -= 50; } else { alert("Sorry, you don't have enough coins.") } ........................ setInterval(function coinPS() { coins += coinsPS; }, 1000) }
Edit: Here is the entire code if it helps:
<!DOCTYPE Html> <head> <title>Coin Clicker</title> </head> <body> <h1>Coin Clicker</h1> <h3 id="coins"></h3> <h4 id="coinsPS"></h3> <button onclick ="gainCoin()">Coin</button> <button onclick ="getCoinsPS()">1 Coin Per Second</button> <script> var coins = 0; var coinsPS = 0; var coinsPC = 1; function gainCoin() { coins += coinsPC; } setInterval(function renderCoins() { document.getElementById("coins").innerHTML = "Coins: " + coins; }) setInterval(function renderCoinsPS() { document.getElementById("coinsPS").innerHTML = "Coins per second: " + coinsPS; }) function getCoinsPS(){ if (coins >= 50){ coinsPS += 1; coins -= 50; } else{ alert("Sorry, you don't have enough coins.") } setInterval(function coinPS(){ coins += coinsPS; }, 1000) } </script> </body>
You add add multiple intervals without cancelling the old one. So cancel the old one before you create a new one.
var addInterval; function getCoinsPS() { if (coins >= 50) { coinsPS += 10; coins -= 50; } else { alert("Sorry, you don't have enough coins.") } if (addInterval) window.clearTimeout(addInterval) addInterval = setInterval(function coinPS() { coins += coinsPS; }, 1000) }