I`m doing a project with react and I decided to make routes functionality a little different, I put the routes details to an separated file as an array: , and on the routes component I iterate through the array using the map function: . But I don’t know if what I did is something recommended, do you think it’s better to put the routes in a static way directly in the component or is there a better solution?
It is better to use the useRoutes function provided by the react-router-dom package.
This makes your code shorter and authentication can be added easily using this procedure.
This way, you can define the main routes as an object like:
routes = (loggedIn) => [ { path: '/', children: [ // unprotected routes here ] }, { path: '/main', element: loggedIn ? <Layout /> : <Navigate to='/login' /> children: [ // protected routes here ] } ]
Then return useRoutes in the route component like:
const { loggedIn } = useSelector((state) => state.auth); return useRoutes(routes(loggedIn), '');
useRoutes API: https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/api#useroutes