This is the structure:
{"_id":"_vz1jtdsip", "participants":{ "blue":["finettix"] "red":["EQm"] }, "win":"red"," __v":0}
and i have many documents as this, I want to search in participants blue/red for a specific name and to return that document. For code I`m using javascript, I tried something like this:
await gamesSchema.find().where('').in(player[0].Nickname);
but this only return, I could make another call for blue but I would like them in the order as they are in database, so I`m asking if there is a method to search at once.
Try an $or
condition :
await gamesSchema .find({ $or : [{ "" : player[0].Nickname },{ "" : player[0].Nickname }] }) .lean() // Returns simple JSON, not a collection of Mongoose objects .exec(); // Returns a true Promise, not a thenable. Good with await