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Integrate interactive map with React

I want to have an interactive map in an idlegame where you can click on a tile (See screenshot) and something should happen. I am trying to do so with an SVG and paths around the tile. Please tell me if there is a better way to implement something like this.

To my problem: I have finally got my Map-Component to work containing the whole SVG. My two paths (polygon on image) are implemented as follows:

   <path id="Mine" fill="#000" fillOpacity="0.6" d="M987 204 L937 231 L937 282 L988 305 L1039 282 L1040 226" onClick={console.log('City clicked')} />

Problem: The onclick event is triggerd when the page is loading and not when the polygon is clicked on. Does react even support that?

Thanks in advance!



On click should be a function: onClick={() => console.log(‘City clicked’)}
