I am trying to insert the parameter values of a stored procedure into the table using merge function in sql. The parameters consists of DB and schema name. I have written a stored procedure for that but, I don’t understand where I’m doing wrong. Here is my attempt:
CREATE TABLE TABL(DBName VARCHAR, SCName VARCHAR) // creating table REATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE repo(DB VARCHAR,SC VARCHAR) //need to push DB, SC INTO TABL RETURNS type LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS $$ //Inserting parameters into table as values but didn;t work var sql_command = "merge TABL as t using (SELECT +"DB"+ as database,+"SC" as schema) as s on t.DBName = s.DB and t.SCName = s.schema when matched then update set t.DBName = t.DBName when not matched then insert (DBName, SCName) VALUES ('"+DB+"','"+SC +"')"; snowflake.execute({sqlText: sql_command}); return type; $$;
You can use binds:
CREATE TABLE TABL(DBName VARCHAR, SCName VARCHAR); // creating table CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE repo(DB VARCHAR,SC VARCHAR) RETURNS string LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS $$ var sql_command = `merge into TABL as t using (SELECT :1 as database,:2 as schema) as s on t.DBName = s.database and t.SCName = s.schema when matched then update set t.DBName = t.DBName when not matched then insert (DBName, SCName) VALUES (:1,:2)`; snowflake.execute({sqlText: sql_command, binds: [DB, SC]}); return 'success'; $$; call repo('a', 'b');
See https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference/stored-procedures-usage.html#binding-variables for more info.