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Inner function does not return changes to variable assigned in outer function

I am attempting to modify the masterCounter variable within the timeKeyAdditionCheck function. Within the timeKeyAdditionCheck function, I successfully assign a value to masterCounter, but this change is not reflected within the scope of getEventsWithTime. When timeKeyAdditionCheck is complete, the value of masterCounter returns to null.

What changes do I need to make with timeKeyAdditionCheck function?




The reason I wasn’t getting the expected output for masterCounter was because, in the timeKeyAdditionCheckfunction, I thought I was making a copy of the object in the masterCounter array, but I actually created a reference instead. Here is the moment in my code when I unintentionally created a reference instead of a copy:


When I thought I was adding a unique object to the array, I was instead adding the reference to that same object at the end of the array.

I fixed it using the following code:


I used Object.assign() to create a copy of the last object in the array instead of creating another reference.
