I’m using i18next to power i18n for my weblog. It works great on text-only content, but when I try to translate content that includes HTML markup, it is displaying the raw markup when I translate the text.
As an example, here is a snippet of the markup from a post that is not working as expected:
<div class="i18n" data-i18n="content.body"> In Medellín they have many different types of <i>jugos naturales</i> (fruit juice) ... <br /> <br /> ... </div>
The translation code looks like this:
var resources = { "en": ..., "es": { "translation": { "content": { "body": "En Medellín hay varios tipos diferentes de <i>jugos naturales</i> ... <br /><br /> ... " } } } } i18n.init({"resStore": resources}, function( t ) { $('.i18n').i18n(); });
When the translation is rendered, HTML tags are escaped and output as text:
En Medellín hay varios tipos diferentes de <i>jugos naturales</i>...<br /><br />
How do I get i18next to change the HTML of translated elements?
In order to make this work, you have to prefix the data-i18n
attribute of the elements you want to translate with [html]
<div class="i18n" data-i18n="[html]content.body">
Source: i18next.jquery.js