I have a code in which I have three rows with three parameters $COKE, COKE, COKE. Every row has a sublist which opens when I click the parameters. It works fine when parameter doesnt have any special characters i.e.
For case when $COKE is parameter it doesn’t open sublist onclick. ($ dollar sign) For case when COKE is parameter it opens sublist onclick. For case when COKE. is parameter it doesn’t open sublist onclick. (. dot sign)
data[i].parameter="$COKE" document.getElementById("results").innerHTML += "<tr id="+data[i].parameter+" onclick='showSublist(this.id)'>
data[i].paramater can have values as shown below $COKE, COKE.,COKE as an example. Image shown as reference, where only case 2 opens but case 1 and case 3 doesn’t open when I click them.
By not escaping special characters you are creating invalid HTML code, that’s why onclick doesn’t work.
Here is example how browser handles special characters:
function escape(a) { return "&#" + a.charCodeAt(0) + ";"; } function escapeText(text) { return text.replace(/["'&<>]/g, escape); } function showSublist(id) { alert(id); } var data = [{ parameter: "test" }, { parameter: "$test" }, { parameter: "<test" }, { parameter: "test>" }, { parameter: "<test>" }, { parameter: '"test' }, { parameter: 'test"' }, { parameter: '"test"' }, { parameter: "test." }, { parameter: '&test' }, { parameter: '&test;' }, { parameter: "test${test}" }, ]; for (let i = 0, tr = document.createElement("tr"); i < data.length; i++) { tr = tr.cloneNode(false); tr.innerHTML = '<td class="n">' + i + '</td>'; /* original, incorrect structure */ tr.innerHTML += "<td id=" + data[i].parameter + " onclick='showSublist(this.id)'>" + data[i].parameter + '</td>'; tr.innerHTML += '<td class="n">' + i + '</td>'; /* correct structure, no filter */ tr.innerHTML += '<td id="' + data[i].parameter + '" onclick="showSublist(this.id)">' + data[i].parameter + '</td>'; tr.innerHTML += '<td class="n">' + i + '</td>'; /* correct structure, filter */ tr.innerHTML += '<td id="' + escapeText(data[i].parameter) + '" onclick="showSublist(this.id)">' + escapeText(data[i].parameter) + '</td>'; tr.onmouseover = mouseOver; document.getElementById("results").appendChild(tr); }; var div = document.getElementById("html"); function mouseOver(e) { html.textContent = e.target.className == "n" ? e.target.nextSibling.outerHTML : e.target.outerHTML; }
th { text-align: start; } td:nth-child(even) { border-right: 1em solid transparent; } td:hover { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); cursor: pointer; } div { background-color: white; color: black; position: fixed; bottom: 0; margin-top: 1em; padding: 0.5em; border: 1px solid black; } table { margin-bottom: 3em; }
<table id="results"> <tr> <th colspan="2"> Original, no quotes </th> <th colspan="2"> Unescaped </th> <th colspan="2"> Escaped </th> </tr> </table> <div id="html"></div>