Sending data into the API with the following code
signIn: async (email, senha) =>{ try{ const req = await fetch ( `${BASE_API}/Auth/login.php`,{ method: 'POST', headers:{ Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({email: email, senha: senha}) }); const json = await req.json(); console.log(json); return json; } catch(error){ console.error(error); } }
returns the following json that is being trown into console.
Array [ Object { "user_avatar": "path", "user_celular": "00912341234", "user_email": "", "user_id": "6", "user_mesa": "0", "user_nome": "Marcos", "user_senha": "testtest", "user_since": "2021-04-28", "user_sobrenome": "da Silva", "user_tipo": "0", }, ]
how can I extract data from this json? for example: alert(json.user_nome)
First thing is this is not json this is the array object so if you want data from 1st object in array then you should use this…
Or if you want all the user_nome property from all json object data then you have to use loop.