I am trying to conditionally change the UI of my component in styled components, but I found myself repeating myself a lot. this is what is happening right now:
color: ${props => (props.isProductPage ? color('white') : 'reset')}; background-color: ${props => props.isProductPage ? color('primary', 'main') : 'reset'}; font-size: ${props => (props.isProductPage ? '1.4rem' : 'reset')}; font-weight: ${props => (props.isProductPage ? '400' : 'reset')};
but I want to have all these in a variable and import that variable conditionally, but I could not find out what am I doing wrong. This is what I am looking for.
const ProductPageAddToCard = ` color: ${color('primary')}; background: ${color('primary', 'main')}; font-size: ${textSize('medium')}; font-weight: ${textWeight('medium')} `; export const StyledAddToCardWrapper = Styled.div` button { ${props => (props.isProductPage ? ProductPageAddToCard : '')} } `
Thanks in advance
You can use the ‘css’ export from ‘styled-components’ to create a reusable mixin. Here is a small example:
import styled, { css } from "styled-components"; // ... const ProductPageMixin = css` color: red; background-color: orange; `; const HomePageMixin = css` color: blue; background-color: yellow; `; const Wrapper = styled.div` ${(props) => props.isProductPage && ProductPageMixin} ${(props) => props.isHomePage && HomePageMixin} `;