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How to use useRef hook properly in react Functional Component?

I have a JavaScript snippet and I’m trying to implement the same in react. Here is the snippet.


For more details about the snippet, please refer this codepen. When I scroll I’m just adding a class to the an element and removing when a certain condition is met using scroll eventListerner. Here is how I tried in react with the help of this official documentation.


The error


So, the element navbar I’m trying to get is getting null when I actually scroll and the criterion in met. I could see the navbar element in the console when console.log it and the error as well at the same time. I’m sure I’m missing a fundamental concept behind the scenes.

If I’m trying to get the DOM element before the component is mounted, I must use useEffect to handle it properly. I’m new to react and not able to give it a good shot using useEffect hook.



You should add the event listener inside useEffect hook to make sure you access the ref after it has been assigned the dom element.
