I’m trying to make use of the getquery for graphql in react.js. But I can’t figure out how to go about doing this. I already succeeded to use the list query.
state = { patients: [] } async componentDidMount() { try { const apiData = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(listxxxx)) const patie = apiData.data.listxxxx.items this.setState({ patie }) console.log(patie) } catch (err) { console.log('qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq ', err) } }
How does one go about using the get query? Thanks!
You need an ID to retrieve an item with any get query. getPatient(id:”YOUR ID HERE”){}`
Something like…
query Get_Patient_By_Id{ getPatient(id:"2dbcb870-e302-4ed5-a419-68751597129c"){ id name } }
For React, you’ll add in the id to the variables list argument:
const getPatient = await API.graphql( graphqlOperation( queries.getPatient, {id: "2dbcb870-e302-4ed5-a419-68751597129c"} ) ); console.log(getPatient.data.getPatient);
docs: https://aws-amplify.github.io/docs/js/api#simple-query