For reference, here’s a jsfiddle I’m using to test stuff:
And here’s a gif demonstrating my issue:
And my fragment code:
var fragmentShader = `
precision mediump float;
varying vec2 vTextureCoord;
varying vec2 vFilterCoord;
uniform sampler2D uSampler;
uniform float uTime;
void main() {
vec4 ogCol = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);
float dist = distance(vTextureCoord.xy, vec2(0.5));
float mod = 0.0;
float sinTime = sin(uTime*0.01*vTextureCoord.y) * 0.5;
float cosTime = cos(uTime*0.01*vTextureCoord.x) * 0.5;
float thresh = 0.25 + (sinTime*0.025) + (cosTime*0.025);
if (dist <= thresh) {
mod = 1.0;
} else if (dist <= thresh+0.02) {
mod = 100.0;
gl_FragColor = ogCol * mod;
Basically, I’ve discovered how to reduce the speed of time in WebGl/in trig funcs, as well as decrease their amplitude. What I’m not sure how to do, however, is ‘capture’ a specific part of the wave function to preserve. As you can see in the gif, it eventually becomes very congested/bunched together.
I much prefer the smooth wave aesthetic, but I can’t seem to keep it at that level. Any help with this?4
PS: I’m using PIXIjs here as a middleman, but all the stuff inside the fragment shader string is pure WebGl.
You’ll need to add a component of time that isn’t proportional to the texture coordinate.
instead of *
You could try something like this:
float k = uTime*0.01;
float g = 40.0;
float sinTime = sin(k + g*vTextureCoord.y) * 0.5;
float cosTime = cos(k + g*vTextureCoord.x) * 0.5;
There is an artistic aspect to what you are asking for, so you can tune those constants to your liking of course.
Forked fiddle: