I am trying to subtract two matrices, I have a function that takes in those matrices and returns a new matrix that has been subtracted. I get this error in node.js: TypeError: (intermediate value).map is not a function
subtract(a, b) {
return new Matrix(a.rows, a.cols).map((_, i, j) => a.data[i][j] - b.data[i][j]);
This is the function I use from my main file (note: I already have an instance of the class).
let m = new Matrix(2, 2);
m.data[0] = [10, 11];
m.data[1] = [12, 13];
let n = new Matrix(2, 2);
n.data[0] = [1, 2];
n.data[1] = [3, 4];
mat.subtract(m, n);
This is the class that I have created:
class Matrix {
constructor(rows, cols) {
this.rows = rows;
this.cols = cols;
this.index = 0;
this.rowCount = 0;
//this.matrixData = Array(this.rows).fill().map(() => Array(this.cols).fill(0));
this.data = Array(this.rows).fill().map(() => Array(this.cols).fill(0));
I’m going to recommend a complete code rewrite that focuses on a plain functions instead of classes and methods. We begin writing our matrix
module below and will add an OOP-style interface in the second section of this post. –
// matrix.js
const matrix = rows =>
({ matrix, rows })
const empty = _ =>
const subtract = (t1, t2) =>
matrix(t1.rows.map((_, i) => subtractRow(t1.rows[i], t2.rows[i])))
const subtractRow = (r1, r2) =>
r1.map((v, i) => v - r2[i])
function toString (t)
{ const w =
Math.max(t.rows.flat().map(_ => String(_).length))
const s =
t.rows.map(r => r.map(_ => String(_).padStart(w, " ")).join(" "))
return `[ ${s.join("n ")} ]`
export { empty, matrix, subtract, toString }
Next we write our main
module that uses the matrix
module –
// main.js
import { matrix, subtract, toString } from "./matrix.js"
const m1 = matrix([[10, 11], [12, 13]])
const m2 = matrix([[1,2], [3,4]])
console.log(toString(subtract(m1, m2)))
[ 10 11
12 13 ]
[ 1 2
3 4 ]
[ 9 9
9 9 ]
If you are more comfortable with an OOP-style interface, you we can add that to our matrix
module easily. Notice how our Matrix
class it is a simple wrapper around our existing plain functions –
// matrix.js (continued)
class Matrix
{ constructor(t = empty())
{ this.t = t }
{ return new Matrix(subtract(this.t, other.t)) }
{ return toString(this.t) }
static of(rows)
{ return new Matrix(matrix(rows)) }
export default Matrix
And here’s our main
module using our new Matrix
interface –
// main.js
import Matrix from "./matrix.js"
const m1 = Matrix.of([[10, 11], [12, 13]])
const m2 = Matrix.of([[1,2], [3,4]])
[ 10 11
12 13 ]
[ 1 2
3 4 ]
[ 9 9
9 9 ]
Chain for days, if you wish –
[ 8 7
6 5 ]
[ -29 -31
-33 -35 ]
As you can see we only write our matrix
module once and it is flexible enough to use in functional-style and OOP-style. To see this module technique used in another setting, see this answer where we build a linked list.
Wondering why we went through so much trouble in matrix.toString
? It’s so that the matrix can be nicely formatted even when element sizes differ –
import { matrix, toString } from "./matrix.js"
const m3 = matrix([
[ 1 2 3
11 22 33
111 222 333 ]