I have been trying to learn CircleCi workflows by building simple jobs and I keep getting this error:
/bin/bash: yarn: command not found
So all the steps run but when it comes to the job is self it stops. So spin up environment, preparing env variables, checkout code, Restore Yarn Package Cache are green(successful).
My workflow below:
default-environment: &default-environment docker: - image: cimg/base:2020.01 step-restore-build-cache: &step-restore-build-cache restore_cache: name: Restore Yarn Package Cache keys: - yarn-packages-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} step-save-build-cache: &step-save-build-cache save_cache: name: Save Yarn Package Cache key: yarn-packages-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} paths: - ~/.cache/yarn step-run-cache: &step-run-cache run: name: Install Dependencies command: yarn install --immutable version: 2.1 jobs: build: <<: *default-environment steps: - checkout - <<: *step-restore-build-cache - run: name: Build command: yarn run build - <<: *step-save-build-cache lint: <<: *default-environment steps: - checkout - <<: *step-restore-build-cache - run: name: Lint command: yarn run lint format: <<: *default-environment steps: - checkout - <<: *step-restore-build-cache - run: name: Format command: yarn run format type-check: <<: *default-environment steps: - checkout - <<: *step-restore-build-cache - run: name: Type-check command: yarn run type-check workflows: version: 2 build-and-lint: jobs: - build - lint - format - type-check
Not really sure how to fix this..
Thank you very much 🙂
You’re using cimg/base:2020.01
which is a general purpose image and does not have node or the yarn binary installed. You should use the cimg/node image which has yarn pre-installed.