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how to show array element one by one onclick event in javascript?

I have textarea and storing in array onclick i need to show one by one from the last element and redo onclick one by one from where user clicks. i am doing a custom undo and redo functionality.


I have created jsfiddle



instead if keeping different stacks for the actions you’ve done, and undone, you can keep them in one Array, and memorize the current position:


index holds the position in stack of the currently shown value. You can undo and redo as much as you want, but as soon as you start typing, the redo-stack will be cleared.

You should consider limiting the items you want to keep in stack, or you’ll allocate quite some memory. And you could change the logic for keypress to wait for a pause of like 300ms before you update the stack. That would decrease the items in your stack tremendously.

Edit: made a snippet implementing the possible changes I mentioned, like detached update, and limited stacksize. Take a look at that

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