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How to seed models with polymorphic one to one relationship in mirage js?

this is just an example, I understand that you would normally have multiple comments, but for the sake of this example, lets assume that we have

following models:

 models: {
    blogPost: Model.extend({
      comment: belongsTo(),

    picture: Model.extend({
      comment: belongsTo(),

    comment: Model.extend({
      commentable: belongsTo({ polymorphic: true }),

and following factories:

  factories: {
    blogPost: Factory.extend({
      title: "Whatever",
      withComment: trait({
        comment: association(),

Now when trying to seed server with:

seeds(server) {
  server.create("blogPost", "withComment");

It does seed it but when checking console.log(server.db.dump()); the commentable is null… commentableId: null.

enter image description here



This is a tricky one. I changed

comment: Model.extend({
  commentable: belongsTo({ polymorphic: true }),


comment: Model.extend({
  blogPost: belongsTo({ polymorphic: true }),

just to see if commentable part is causing the issue. This time I got a different error: Mirage: You're using the association() helper on your comment factory for blogPost, which is a polymorphic relationship. This is not currently supported."

So, it is currently not possible to use association() on polymorphic relationship. I wish this was announced in documentation…

Still, I cannot find a way to seed it even without shorthand association().



Here’s one way to do it:

import { Server, Model, Factory, belongsTo, trait, association, RestSerializer } from "miragejs"

export default new Server({
  serializers: {
    blogPost: RestSerializer.extend({
      include: ['comment']

  models: {
    blogPost: Model.extend({
      comment: belongsTo(),

    picture: Model.extend({
      comment: belongsTo(),

    comment: Model.extend({
      commentable: belongsTo({ polymorphic: true }),
  factories: {
    blogPost: Factory.extend({
      title: "Whatever",
      withComment: trait({
        afterCreate(blogPost, server) {
          server.create('comment', {
            commentable: blogPost

  seeds(server) {
    server.create("blog-post", "withComment");
  routes() {


And here’s the working REPL:

If you click the Database tab then click Comments, you should see the polymorphic ID referencing blog-post:1.

You can also send a GET to /blog-posts and you should see that the comment is included, or send a GET to /comments and see the polymorphic commentable included.

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