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How to reset/uncheck radio button onclick event?

I have 2 radio button with 2 group.

The structure is like this

  1. Main Radio 1
  2. Main Radio 2

Under Main Radio 2, there’s two more sub radio button.

  1. Main Radio 1
  2. Main Radio 2
    • Sub Radio 1
    • Sub Radio 2

What am I doing is, in default stage, it will only show Main Radio 1 and Main Radio 2 button. When choose Main Radio 2, two sub radio button of Main Radio 2 appear.

When choose back to Main Radio 1, it will hide the list of Main Radio 2.

The one that I want to achieve is,

When click Main Radio 1, the selection that I made for Sub Radio 1 or Sub Radio 2, want to be uncheck / reset too.

I tried with this javascript, but no success.


Please kindly help me the solutions. Thank you.

With Regards,



I think the best approach for a simple task like this does not needs a full JavaScript library like jQuery.


Or see the fiddle.
