I’m using the plugin “mapbox-gl-directions” to get distance. I want to remove the direction control inside the maps.
Here is an example guide on image => example of what I’m trying to do
Is it possible to remove that and keep the distance box?
Here is my code:
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'TOKEN'; var map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: 'map', style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11', center: [112.16809,-8.09774], zoom: 17, }); var directions = new MapboxDirections({ accessToken: mapboxgl.accessToken, unit: 'metric', profile: 'mapbox/driving' }); map.addControl(directions,'top-left'); map.on('load', function() { directions.setOrigin("England"); // can be address in form setOrigin("12, Elm Street, NY") directions.setDestinaion([112.17211,-8.09581]);}) // Add geolocate control to the map. map.addControl( new mapboxgl.GeolocateControl({ positionOptions: { enableHighAccuracy: true }, trackUserLocation: true }) );
Thank you.
Maybe using the {controls: {instructions: false;}}
– directive when you’re initializing the map
Otherwise, as a quick hack, that might work, and since I’m assuming you’re planning to run this on a browser: Find out the css class or id by using Dev Tools (normally something like F12) and in your styles (some css file or html tag) add
#that-particular-id { display: none; } //or .that-particular-class { display: none; }